a blog doesnt work for me because i can’t publish drafts and updates very easily, so there is a certain pressure to get it "polished". so what if i made a system that allowed for updates. work in public without "posting" new things. like git for writing. changelog. version system. rss feed becomes - new project - changelog - filtered by versions should be tadi. allow projects to live/die rather than get published/deleted. https://j3s.sh/thought/blogs-rot-wikis-wait.html - 👀 - personal wikis have not been executed well. wiki also implies community effort, and personal wikis don’t do that. - the freedom of a wiki also limits the way it can operate as discourse. very passive - wikis blogs etc are also cringe. "i’m editing my wiki" be for real an essay as a tool. (guy who just read [*echopraxia*](https://annas-archive.se/md5/190b8e7cbb9b6b89791cb2ba852241d4) voice) uhhhh language shapes the mind. --------------------- practically: 1. redesign index to hide version information for each listing in a details element. still [html.energy](https://html.energy) 2. really lean into the vibe of yaml 3. versioning 4. re-organize so each folder is self-contained. archive very easily 5.