i *love* reading people's writing on the internet.

online-writing, in my experience, often has a lot to do with being online, which is an extremely political way of being. so before i fall in love with a collection of online writing, i often try to suss out the politics of the person, like a nutritional label: where do these ideas come from, what are they doing, what is the purpose

if someone is doing that to me right now, here is a little list to save you some time:

capitalism is bad, in my opinion

i think we should give something else a shot. i'm not too picky about what that could be

(i have a bunch of other "looney lefty" opinons, too)
  1. we should dig a big hole

  2. we should put anyone who makes over 7 figures a year into that hole
    💰 → 🕳

  3. we should consider putting the entire management team of flixbus into the hole (for cutting all the buses and stations, making life difficult for me anyone who doesn't own a car). we should also debate the precise political opinions someone who makes 6 figures needs to have to avoid being placed in the hole. this will be a vibes-based system judged by the janitorial staff and service workers they interacted with.
    👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🧑‍⚖️ 👉  🧍‍♂️🕳
    (this shows the crowd of people deciding whether to put that standing guy in the hole)

  4. it should be illegal to say "actually i don't think we should put those guys in the hole" (this is counter-revolutionary)

  5. blah blah blah the incipient fascism in the US is the natural continuation of the imperial violence it enacted on the periphery blah blah the interlocking systems of oppression (race, gender, class, ability, etc.) are as inseparable from each other as they are from capitalism blah blah

  6. the hole is gonna need to be pretty big, probably, so we should start digging as soon as possible. i've started a small hole in a park near my apartment but that probably isn't going to be big enough.
    🧑‍🌾 🕳

i think its good to be trans actually

i'm strongly considering it
it turns out this is strongly correlated to figuring out you are trans

you don't need more than like 4 megapixels in a camera

every other mega pixel is bourgeois decadence. i recently got an old fujifilm finepix a330 from 2004. 3.2 mega pixels, and every one of them is a winner.

most people think they mean well most of the time

this one sucks. this one is awful. this forces you to realize that all of the people who are causing you pain think they are doing the right thing. i think its sometimes easier to pretend that evil people get a kick out of being evil on purpose, and that may be true, but its so rare. most of the time the person being evil genuinely believes they are being good.

the implications of this are tricky. it means you have to be patient, but also that doesn't mean you need to take shit from people. the way i've been doing this is like this: if this person is trying to be reasonable, you need to be able to lead them to a place where they can realize they are wrong without feeling like you've won the argument. if they think they are wrong but don't want to lose, you'll never get anyone on board. if a person is being unreasonable and completely antithetical to your shared goals, fuck that. don't waste your time.

i don't think i communicated this idea very well, but it was a huge revelation to me and it changes how you interact with someone, i suppose.